Udder Care
Use pre-milking to kill bacteria on the surface of the teat and help prevent mastitis causing organisms passing from quarter to quarter and from cow to cow. Fast acting, works in just 15 seconds.
Pack size: 25L, 200L & 1000L IBC
New generation highly effective Lactic Acid Barrier Film.
Highly visible, long lasting.
Contains high levels of Glycerol & Allantoin for exception skin condition.
Effective against a wide range of organisms.
Ready-To-Use Thickened Iodophor Teat Dip. Contains 9% Glycerine & Sorbitol for teat condition. Effective aid in the control of mastitis. Leaves a highly visible and long lasting antiseptic film on the teats
Pack size: 25L, 200L
Masocare Extra
Iodine based with 12% emollients to give excellent teat condition. Aids healing of cracked and damaged teats. Use as a dip or spray. Ready to use.
Pack size: 25L, 200L & 1000L IBC
Actodip Supreme (VMD Licensed)
Iodine (0.5%) based with 10% emollients for first class teat condition. Use as a dip or spray. Ready to use.
Pack size: 25L, 200L & 1000L IBC
Masodine 1:3 Teat Dip
Iodine based 1:3 Concentrate to give 5% emollient level when diluted for teat dipping or spraying. Approved as a predip at 1:7 dilution.
Pack size: 25L, 200L & 1000L IBC