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Don’t let small redworm turn your horse’s gut into a leaky tea bag

Writer's picture: ACT Ltd.ACT Ltd.

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

HorseDialog’s guest vlogger Professor Jacqui Matthews of the Moredun Research Institute, Scotland explains why high burdens of small redworm if left unchecked, can turn your horse’s large intestine into a life-threatening ‘big leaky tea bag’.

Don’t let this happen to your horse – follow our checklist to help keep him safe

  • Remember small redworm won’t show up in a faecal worm egg count (FWEC): Horses can harbour several million larvae yet show negative or low faecal egg counts.

  • Treat every horse for small redworm once a year: Ideally treat in the late autumn or early winter each year but certainly before the spring.

  • Use the right wormer: A single dose of moxidectin or a five-day course of fenbendazole

  • Remember youngsters are at the highest risk: Be extra vigilant with horses of less than five years old.

  • Beware of resistance: There is widespread evidence of resistance in small redworm to fenbendazole, including the five-day dose so a resistance test is recommended before using it.

  • Keep redworm under control in summer: Regular faecal worm egg counts from early March until October and treating according to the results will help keep redworm under control and reduce the risk of large hidden encysted burdens forming.

  • Use faecal egg count reduction tests during the grazing season: The best way to ensure that your wormers are working properly is to ask your vet to perform a faecal egg count reduction test. This involves taking a FWEC immediately before and two weeks after worming to assess the level of worm eggs being shed.

  • Be rigorous with pasture management: Daily poo-picking, regular rotation and resting of fields and cross grazing with sheep or cattle will help keep pasture worm burdens under control.

  • Seek veterinary advice: If you have a vulnerable young horse showing any clinical signs it is important to speak to your vet before using a wormer.

Be prepared to clear the challenge of encysted small redworms and time it right this autumn/winter.

View our Horse Wormers at our online store or call us for further advice on 01425 474455



Dowdall SM, Matthews JB, et al. Antigen-specific IgG(T) responses in natural and experimental cyathostominae infection in horses. Vet Parasitol. 2002;106(3):225-42.

Matthews, An update on cyathostomins: Anthelmintic resistance and worm control. Equine Vet. Educ. (2008).

Steinbach T, Bauer C, et al. Small strongyle infection: consequences of larvicidal treatment of horses with fenbendazole and moxidectin. Vet Parasitol. 2006;139(1-3):115-31.

Information kindly provided by Horse Dialog brought to you by Zoetis




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