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Welcome to Wessex Animal Health, a Division of ACT Ltd.


We specialise in providing Animal Health products such as wormers, fly control, vaccine, calving and lambing essentials for cattle and sheep as well as a full range of competitively priced horse wormers and equine veterinary and health supplies.

We offer free expert advice from our AMTRA qualified SQPs, just give us a call on 01425 474455 and we will be happy to help.

Britmilk - Calf Two In One - * Once A Day

20% Protein 20% Oil 0% Fibre

High Quality Skim + Whey Calf Milk Replacer, Suitable For Once A Day Feeding *

Calf Two in One is produced with very high levels of milk protein = Very digestible (Cheaper products containing more vegetable proteins are less digestible). It also contains over 20% more oil (for energy) than some other products. High levels of skim milk powder to help ensure a lovely ‘Bloom & Shine’

Calf Two in One contains functional proteins which line the gut of the calf and help prevent bad organisms (including viruses) from attaching to the gut lining and causing damage. Contains Bio-cox (Natural Plant Extracts and essential oils) to help restrict the multiplication of oocyst (eggs) in the gut.

*Can be fed once a day but only when the calf is eating enough dry feed to replace a milk feed (usually around 3-4 weeks of age)

Please call 01425 474455 for prices - min order 25 Bags

Britmilk - Calf Cream Way

22% Protein 24% Oil 0% Fibre

Our First ‘Reverse Ratio’ Whey Based Calf Milk Replacer = High Energy

Calf Cream Way is produced with very high levels of milk protein = Very digestible (Cheaper products containing more vegetable proteins are less digestible). Contains over 40% more oil (for energy) than some other products. Perfect for the smaller cross bred calf, or rearing systems when extra energy is required (colder housing environments)

Calf Cream Way contains functional proteins which line the gut of the calf and help prevent bad organisms (including viruses) from attaching to the gut lining and causing damage, also contains Bio-cox (Natural Plant Extracts and essential oils) to help restrict the multiplication of oocyst (eggs) in the gut.

Calf Cream Way has the added benefit of Natureboost - a complex combination of natural products to stimulate the immune system to help fight disease.

Britmilk - Calf Defender (50% Skim)

22% Protein 24% Oil 0% Fibre

Transition Milk Powder with Biocox and Bio-Start

Britmilk Calf Defender is a transition milk powder designed to be fed after colostrum in the first 7-10 days of a calf’s life before moving on to milk replacer. However it can be used throughout the entire milk feeding period. It is based on 100% all milk protein with the highest quality skim milk powder together with a health package designed to get the calf off to a good healthy start.

Calf Defender has a higher oil to protein ratio more closely resembling that of cows milk.

Calf Defender contains high levels of Bio-Start powder which is rich in specific polyclonal antibodies, probiotics and prebiotics. Polyclonal antibodies are designed to protect the gut lining from a range of harmful bacteria and virus. Probiotics/Prebiotics provide beneficial bacteria but also stimulate their growth in order to maintain a healthy balance in the calf`s gut. Calf Defender also contains high levels of mannan-oligosaccharides (derived from yeast cell walls) which have been shown to remove bad bacteria and toxins and in so doing enhance the immune response in the calf. Biocox contains a blend of essential oils with its primary role to control growth of undesirable organisms linked to calf scour and also enhance the immune system.

Please call 01425 474455 for prices - min order 25 Bags

Britmilk - Calf Enterprise

20% Protein 24% Oil

Enterprise is the same concept to Calf Distinction with a higher fat to protein ratio just like cows milk. It is a top performing skim based calf milk with 100% all milk protein.

Enterprise Once-a-Day can be used for both Once-a-Day feeding with water or cows milk and Twice-a-Day feeding.

Enterprise contains Bio-Start and Biocox as standard.

Suitable for bucket feeding and most automatic feeders NOT requiring a free flowing powder.

Available by the bag or call 01425 474455 for quantity orders of 25 + bags

Britmilk - Calf Distinction (60% Skim) - Cows Milk In A Bag

22% Protein 25% Oil 0% Fibre

Calf Distinction is has a higher oil to protein ratio powder making it closer to cows milk. Calf Distinction is a top performing skim based calf milk with 100% all milk protein

Linseed oil added to Calf Distinction increases the level of Omega 3 oils for improved health.

The high oil content in Calf Distinction provides additional energy in times of cold stress. This helps to maintain the calf’s body temperature. This is important in helping stimulate the immune system for health and performance from an early age.

Calf Distinction contains Bio-Start .

Please call 01425 474455 for prices - min order 25 Bags

Britmilk - Double Life Biocox with Nature Boost (Whey)

24% Protein 20% Oil 0% Fibre

Double Life is a high quality whey based calf milk replacer containing high levels of milk protein.

A special blend of oil/fats for improved digestibility and performance.

Bio-Start, Biocox and Nature-Boost are included as standard.

Double Life plus Biocox & Nature-Boost can be fed via buckets or machines that do not require a free flowing milk powder.

Please call 01425 474455 for prices - min order 25 Bags

Britmilk - Super XL Plus Biocox (Whey)

22.5% Protein 19% Oil 0.05% Fibre

Super XL is a high quality calf milk replacer for bucket or machine feeding.

Also available as a free flowing powder as required for some machines.

Super XL contains Bio-Start and Biocox

Please call 01425 474455 for prices - min order 25 Bags

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