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Welcome to Wessex Animal Health, a Division of ACT Ltd.


We specialise in providing Animal Health products such as wormers, fly control, vaccine, calving and lambing essentials for cattle and sheep as well as a full range of competitively priced horse wormers and equine veterinary and health supplies.

We offer free expert advice from our AMTRA qualified SQPs, just give us a call on 01425 474455 and we will be happy to help.

Hotline Gemini 120 Energiser

Hotline Gemini 120 Energiser
Product Details

Gemini energisers will run from either a 12v external battery or from a mains power supply, perfect for those wanting flexibility to move between a temporary, portable fence to a low maintenance fence system.

12v external battery input | 230v mains power input via adaptor
2.40 Stored joule | 1.20 Joule output | 18 km max distance
Galvanised stand

Prices Exclude VAT (20%)

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