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Dycoxan Drench
Legal Category: POM-VPS
IMPORTANT - Animal Medicines
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Dycoxan is a drench for the treatment and prevention of coccidial infections in lambs caused in particular by the more pathogenic Eimeria species, Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis. To aid in the control of coccidiosis in calves caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii.
It is advocated to treat all lambs of the flock and all calves in a pen. This will contribute to reduce the infection pressure and assure a better epidemiological control of the coccidiosis infection.
On rare occasions, in highly susceptible lambs e.g. where they have been housed for long periods of time before being turned out onto heavily contaminated pasture, a severe scour has been seen shortly after dosing. In such cases, fluid therapy is essential and the use of a sulphonamide should be considered. It is also important to consider other potential pathogens that may be playing a role e.g. Cryptosporidium, Nematodirus, Rotavirus, Giardia and E. Coli.
Clinical coccidiosis generally occurs late in the parasite’s life cycle after most of the damage to the calf’s intestine has already been done. This severely damaged intestine can easily be infected by secondary bacteria and/or other agents. In cases of acute clinical coccidiosis treated with Dycoxan, fluid therapy is essential and the use of an antibiotic should be considered. Symptoms of clinical disease may remain obvious in some calves treated with Dycoxan, even though oocyst excretion is reduced to a very low level, and overall prevalence of diarrhoea is decreased.
Dosage: Lambs:
Therapeutic use: 1ml per 2.5 kg bodyweight
Preventative use: 1ml per 2.5 kg bodyweight at about 4-6 weeks of age at the time that coccidiosis can normally be expected on the farm.
Under conditions of high infection pressure, a second treatment may be indicated about 3 weeks after the first dosing.
Calves: To aid in the control of coccidiosis: 1 ml per 2.5 kg bodyweight, administered as a single dose, 14 days after moving into a potentially high risk environment.
Active Ingredients: Diclazuril
Withdrawal: Zero Days
Pack Sizes: 1ltr, 2.5ltr, 5ltr
Data Sheet Dycoxan 2.5 mg/ml Oral Suspension for Sheep and Cattle
Prices Exclude VAT (20%)