We supply a wide range of Standard Minerals and Custom Mix Minerals. Contact the Shrewsbury office on 01743 762700 to discuss your requirements.
Special Mix Minerals
The Action range of mineral vitamin supplements contains products designed to meet the needs of suckler cows, growing cattle, dairy cows and sheep fed a wide range of diets and at all stages of growth and production. Where special needs exist, due to the soil type or feeding system, changes can be made to a standard product or a mineral can be tailor-made to balance an individual ration.
Chelated Trace Elements
Where trace elements in the grass or forage are unavailable to the animal it is often beneficial to provide the element in a chelated form. This allows the element to pass through the rumen, without being “locked up”, and into the gut from where it can be absorbed efficiently into the blood stream. Chelated zinc, copper and organic selenium are included in some Action minerals and can be added to any standard Action mineral or custom mix product.
Forage Mineral Analysis Service
To help you select the right mineral supplement for your stock ACT can, for a small charge, arrange for a sample of your silage to be analysed for its mineral content. The analysis report will show the amount of each major mineral and trace element in your forage and tell you whether the level is high, average or low.

Action Quality
All Action Mineral Vitamin supplements are palatable and dust-free. Free access minerals are spiced to encourage intake and waterproofed to reduce wastage. All standard products are manufactured with a 6-month’s shelf life and are delivered factory-fresh direct to farm.
Mineral Straights
We also supply a full range of mineral straights just some examples of which are listed below:
Limestone Flour
Magnesium Chloride
Dicalcium Phosphate
Calcined Magnesite
Sodium Bicarbonate
PDV Salt
Lump Rock Salt