​We supply a full range of compounds from CF and Yara as well as blends from various suppliers throughout the UK.
D A Chapman & Sons tried KAN Sweet-Grass and are delighted with the results.
​Having heard the benefits from ACT’s Graham Carter, the Bodmin-based Dairy farmers purchased 28.2 tonnes.
“The cows grazed tighter straight away,” ​explained Mark Chapman.
As well as the grazing benefits seen by the brothers, switching the 200 dairy cow herd from straight nitrogen to KAN Sweet-Grass will have had financial benefits.
​Based on Bangor University research, the ACT Sweet-Grass calculator demonstrates an additional 9.9% in milk yield and increases in butterfat.

Why use ACT Sweet-Grass?
KAN stabilised N
Sustained release N to maintain even grass growth
Sustained release S
Sustained release S for maximum uptake
Ideal N:S ratio (12:1)
Maximises DM yield, protein production & N utilisation
Sodium level as per RB209
Optimises palatability, DM intake and grass utilisation
Calcium and magnesium
Increases mineral content and feed value of grass
​Use the Sweet-Grass calculator or App